I’m Not A Virgin Anymore!

It is my 2nd bloggerversary and I now consider myself as an experienced blogger.  I am not a virgin at this blogging thing anymore.  The last 2 years have been been absolutely amazing.  I have made some awesome friends all over the world and I would like nothing more than to do a blogger trip and meet some of you amazing people.   I have also grown in so many ways over the last 2 years.  I have found the path to rediscovering myself and I have my blog to thank for it.

I bragged about 6 weeks ago that I had just reached 100,000 pageviews and since then I have hit well over 200,000 pageviews.  I have spent many hours trying to understand the stats and analytics and read so many articles and other blogs about what influences the stats and what to believe or not believe.  For almost 2 years, most of my viewership were based in the USA.  Currently France tops the list and Germany is second on the list with viewers from the USA now in 3rd place. I have no idea what influences this and I finally give up and accept the stats for what they are.  Deep down inside I hope the numbers are correct but to be perfectly honest, as much as I love you all, I blog for myself and am grateful to anyone who takes the time out of their day to read my blog.  So a HUGE THANK YOU to all you fellow bloggers and friends and blog surfers.

Hope you have noticed that I have a new look and feel to my blog.  I am sure there will be some tweaking over the next few weeks so please be patient.  Constructive criticism is very welcome so feel free to leave a comment or recommendation.  I will also be introducing some new ideas and hope they go down well with you all.

You will also notice I have a blog roll in the left hand column of other blogs I read and follow.  Please take the time to pop on over to read them all and say hi.  I haven’t always got the time to comment on each of their posts but I read every post they put up.  Some of them have become very close personal friends of mine.

And then there are the tabs under my header – The ABOUT ME tab obviously speaks for itself.  I am also a contributing author to Ramblings of a Semi-Mad Man and these posts are listed under the RAMBLING POSTS tab.  And feel free to contact me via my FACEBOOK or CONTACT ME tabs.  I would love to hear from you all.

So let me know what you think of the new look.