Tis the Season

Tis the season for awards once again.  As Thanksgiving and Christmas approaches, everyone gets into a giving mood.

This week I was given an award by a fellow blogger. I am always in two minds about blogger awards.  That’s not to say I don’t appreciate them in any way though.  It is always nice to be recognized by your fellow peers as someone they appreciate  reading and also as a blogger they feel worthy of recommending to others.

My friend Phil from The Regular Guy NYC – and yes I have called him a friend even though I have never met him.  The reason for considering him a friend is that he has always been a faithful follower and commentator on my blog.  I remember the first time I commented on his blog and looking back on it now he must have thought I was one weird chick.  Anyway – he has stuck by me through most of my blogging life – even when words escaped me and I’ve had nothing to say.  He has always been one of the reasons I keep blogging.  And let’s not forget that besides the subtle sexy messages he leaves on my comments, he always leaves me salivating when I read his blog.

Anyway ….. as I was saying before I digressed – My friend Phil regularly promotes my blog – via his blog or more commonly via Twitter for which I am truly grateful – so I wanted to take this opportunity to say a big Thank You Phil for making me feel special.

Then just when I thought sharing the love couldn’t get any better than this, on Monday I received the following tweet:

And of course it was followed by his post “I’m just a freaking Ray of Sunshine award aren’t I?

It made my week a little more special and motivated me to keep blogging.  For those of you who are not bloggers – it is seriously hard work and very time consuming.  Once you start blogging, you start seeing the world through a different set of eyes – you no longer do things because they are fun, you do things as they provide you with blogging material.  Something my family now jokes about on a regular basis with me.  Whenever I am reluctant to do anything, my sons are quick to blurt out “Just think of what you are going to blog about it” .  On the down side, my sons have also been on the receiving side and been the brunt of many of my posts – so they tend to watch what they say or do in front of me nowadays.

So just like any other blogger awards, I have to fulful certain things as part of my acceptance as follows:

Thank the person who gave you the award

So THANK YOU Phil – here’s a little something I thought you would like in return (Wasn’t sure f you were a boobs or a bum type of guy so went with bum – I kept it tasteful as well)

Include the badge of the award in your post: (Beautiful isn’t it)

I have to tell you 7 things about me – this is a little more complicated than it sounds as I am a complicated person so here goes with a few uncomplicated things:

  1. I love meeting new people and adding to my social circles
  2. I love a challenge – please don’t ever say – “So here’s a challenge for you …”  as I will be tempted to take you up on it.
  3. I have some secret fetishes – yeah, not gonna list them here
  4. I am generally a quiet person – I like to observe people rather than being the center of attraction.
  5. I love travelling – something I don’t get to do much of nowadays
  6. I can very very sarcastic – and I can be very subtle about it
  7. My favorite way to relax is in a nice warm bath with a glass of wine

Then I have to select 10 of my favorite bloggers, or someone I really want to piss off and link their blogs to my post and let them know they have been awarded the Sunshine Award! And as Phil says – “The love you receive back will be tremendous, or the deafening silence will tell you how pissed off they are at you.” So here’s my list (hope I can come up with a list of 10)

The first one has to go to Dale over at Diary of an Internet Nobody. Dale also guest posts for me on occasion and I enjoy his writing.

Joeh over at Cranky Old Man – And boy am I going to get in the neck for giving him this award – I know he hates these things.  (Sorry Mrs Cranks if I put him in a bad mood).  I have had him on my blog roll for a long time and love his sense of humor.  He has also written a few books, none of which I have read I’m ashamed to say. (Wish I had the time)

Marcia at Menopausal Mother – My dearest friend.  She has been my savior though thick and thin in my life.  Love you Marcia!


Holli over at Holli’s Hoots and Hollers – we share a passion for Harley’s.  She also recently got married to her soul mate.

Beth from Writer B is Me.  She is a new blogger I am following.

Jules from A Beautiful Day – Also a new blogger friend and we have had some interesting conversations via email and FB – It’s been great getting to know you Jules!

There are others I would have liked to include here but have also received this award from Phil as well – these include:

Kitt over the The Inner Wildcat  – She too writes on the risque side of things and I love her blog and her take on life.

And of course my fellow partner in crime who I write for as well – Matt over at Ramblings of a Semi-Mad Man.  Who knew I’d enjoy writing for a Man Cave type blog.

That’s all the love I am sharing today.

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend xxxx

Lanthie Ransom