I’m A Gadget Freak

I am quite a gadget freak.  Working in the IT industry, I get exposed to quite a bit of new technology on a regular basis and I am always trying out new things.

I don’t often blog about new Tech or Gadgets but today I have to make an exception.  I been eyeing out a range of Bluetooth Speakers in our local gadget emporium and I decided to splash out and buy one of them today.

The salesman told me that the ShoXspin speaker would integrate seamlessly with my iPhone and not only would it play music, I could also have hands free conversations over it as it has a built in microphone.  Yeah yeah I thought – I’ve been conned before. (Lanthie rule # 6 – never believe anything a salesman says)

I got home and unpacked it.  Read the 2 page booklet to see how to pair it with my iPhone. I was pleasantly surprised when it paired first time.

I then selected some music and played it through the speaker and was amazed at the quality of the sound.  I was totally blown away when I made a phone call and had a conversation over it with a good friend of mine.

So it definitely has a thumbs up from me.

Want to see something really cool

It is not often I blog about technology but I saw someone else playing with a really cool app this week and I couldn’t resist downloading it and playing with it myself.  In case you were not aware, I am a gadget freak.  I work with high end technology on a day to day basis in the entertainment industry and always looking for something that is new.

Augmented reality is not that new and has been around for a little while now but it is not often we as laymen get to play with it and see it in action.

Anyway – the app is called STRING.  If you have an iphone or ipad, here is a basic overview so follow along ….

Now this is where is gets really cool…..

  • Either print out the pictures or display them on your PC / Mac or Laptop.  If you have printed out the pictures, lay one of them out on a surface.  (I prefer the first 2 – the dragon or Boffswana)
  • Now take your iphone or ipad, open the APP and point the camera at the picture – holding your device as still as you can.
  • You will see a creature popping out on your device screen – the dragon will pop out of a hole or a little green creature will pop out.  If you touch your device screen, the green creature will go in that direction.

Let me know if you have any cool apps you can recommend to me.