2 Girls, 15 Guns, some Rabbits and a Pig

It is that time of year where office parties reign!  I was invited as a guest to a end of year function yesterday by my brothers company.  It was a function for suppliers and clients.

My brother decided to do something out of the box this year and arranged for a day at the Clay Target shooting range at the Waterhaven Country Estate.  I run an IT company so I offered to sponsor a few gifts.

I have never shot a gun before so decided to take up the challenge and take part.  It was a typically male orientated day so I was one of 2 women.

I left home early that morning to drop kids off at school in a short little summer dress.  The weather did not look fantastic but there was blue sky and I thought the day would improve. By the time I had done the school run, the clouds had come over and rain looked imminent.  So I went back home to change into something more suitable – jeans and a t-shirt!

I arrived with my fellow compatriot as we agreed that us girls would stick together.  We had to travel along a dirt road for quite some time to get there and it had been raining heavily over the last few days so I was rather grateful I drive a 4×4.  Needless to say we took the wrong road and ended up going a little further out than we anticipated and ended up doing some real 4×4’ing.  (So glad I went on that 4×4 course – read blog post here) We eventually figured out we had gone too far and doubled back.

Eventually we arrived at the Waterhaven Estate.  Everyone was there already and socialising.  It was beautiful out there.  There was a “lapa” area and we were welcomed with coffee and muffins.  The bar would be open after lunch.

As pictures tell a thousand words I’m going to go through the day pictorially where possible.

View from the Lapa

One of the shooting ranges

Coffee and Muffins

The Bar

Our minders for the day

I was introduced to our minders and our hosts.  Our hosts were David Tweddell and Cathrene Walton.

We would be broken up into 4 groups, each with a minder.  I had an interesting conversation with David about clay target shooting and he explained quite a few things to me.  Things like it was important to know which eye was dominant.  It so happens I am left eye dominant – meaning it was recommended that I need to close my left eye while aiming (although this doesn’t work for everyone and you do what is best for you).  He also explained the gauges to me and the grams of the shells.  We would be using 12 gauge shotguns and 21 gram shells (hope I got that right).  Apparently 34 grams is typical but the recoil is a lot worse and as I was new at this, we would be using 21 grams.

He then went on to show me how to stand.  Feet apart with the left leg slightly in front – facing forward and leaning forward, giving your body space to move back.  Legs straight.  It was important to have the shotgun tucked into your shoulder and your cheek resting on the shotgun, otherwise the recoil would result in the shotgun hitting you in the face.

So us ladies were allocated 4 clipboards and we had to assemble 4 teams.  Once all done, we started heading out – each team to a different range.

My team (of 3) ended up at the most difficult range first – called “the Wobble”.  The target doesn’t shoot out in the same direction all the time and randomly shoots out wherever. Rather challenging for my first time.

The wobble
The Wobble machine

Our minder (Mark) showing us how it’s done

Yeah – we had some comical moments too

Me taking instructions

Needless to say, I didn’t manage to shoot anything here – it’s my first time anyway so I decided not to count these points (I’m allowed to cheat).

So we then moved onto the “Rabbit”.  This is where the clay target comes out from the side and rolls on the ground.

Actually managed to shoot something here – got 4 out of 5 – Whohoo!

My fellow compatriot taking instruction from Mark too

Then it was off to the next range……

Yeah, I’m starting to get the hang of this!

Totally at ease!

Then we went on to some more ranges ….

Us girls rule!

Fellow team member having a go

I’m beginning to like this….

We eventually finished and it was time for lunch, and we headed back to the main building.  Us ladies were not left without some form of reminder for the next few days:

This was going to leave a nice blue mark!

Then we had lunch – a typical South African meal – a braai with salads and pap and sauce and then the bar was declared open.  We even brewed our own beer for the day (shhh, don’t tell anyone) .

Freshly home brewed

Look what I found roaming around:

Isn’t he cute!

It was finally time for prizegiving!  Yay

3rd Prize of an iPod Touch (lowest score)

2nd prize of an iPod Touch (Second highest score)

1st Prize of an iPod Classic (Highest Score)

In case you were all wondering, I got 12 out of 25 20 (I refuse to count the first 5 points lost for the wobble)

Then it was time for some fun in recognition of MOVEMBER!

Even us girls had fun 

I had an amazing day.  The Waterhaven estate is an amazing experience and I’m so glad I went along.  I had loads of fun and my next challenge is shooting a hand gun and I’d like to try archery as well.

I uploaded some video’s to YouTube  – shot with the new iPhone 5S using the slow motion function – it is an amazing function and I am really impressed with it.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7P99adIB54]

(I shot the first target, the second was a dud so I didn’t shoot it and I shot the next one as well – 2 out of 2! – bear in mind that it is in slow motion)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiH388wqRlA]

Lanthie Ransom

To Catch A Thief

Hiya All!

I see Dale has been keeping you amused while I’ve been otherwise occupied.  My life has just been hectic lately and I have had little time for blogging.  Which of course has left me feeling a little down.  I need to blog as it is my ME time.

Anyway – I went to a Bridal Tea on Friday afternoon and took loads of pics on my phone. I was going to tell you all about it.  Unfortunately my phone was stolen yesterday afternoon before I had the opportunity.

I went shopping with my Daughter-In-law to Sandton City on Saturday afternoon.  Sandton City is an upmarket shopping centre in the middle of Sandton near where I live .  We were window shopping really.  Anyway, I went into a small make-up store to buy some eye-liner.  It was a quiet store with the odd woman popping in for some eye-shadow or some form of face gunk.  I was at the counter paying and put my phone in the front pocket of my bag to free up a hand,

Someone bumped into me and I didn’t think anything of it at the time and about 30 seconds later something made me look for my phone.  Which of course was nowhere to be found.

Besides being really pissed about it, there is not much one can do about it.  I reported it to the centre security and we went to the security control room to fill in a report.  There was another woman there who also had her phone stolen – except they had actually cut her bag open.  She was a foreigner from Kenya and her passport was in her purse which they also took.

I then went to my mobile operator and had my SIM blocked and got a replacement SIM.   Um’ed and ah’ed about what to do about another phone – my phone was only about 2 months old.  Anyway, I ended up buying another phone which cost me a small fortune.

Luckily I had backed up my phone 2 days earlier when updating it to IOS7 and was up and running again as if nothing had happened.

I suppose it is one of realities of living in Johannesburg.

Lanthie Ransom

Group Sex

One of the joys about reading my blog is the fact that I may be actually writing about Group Sex or something with a twist on the term.  This post unfortunately has a twist.  Seeing as though you are here, please stay……….. (I’ll make tea!)
I just love group sex chat.  There is so much negative connotation surrounding social media and many people are under the impression that it isolates family and friends.  Well I must tell you that social media has brought us closer than ever as a family this past week.
We are a fairly normal family. In fact we are quite a
close family.  We interact with our 4
sons all the time so I can’t complain.  Son no 2 lives in
Dubai and we don’t talk as often we we should.  We typically Skype each other.  Son no 1,3 and 4 don’t interact with no 2
enough and  I always try to encourage them to talk to each other more often.
Son no 3 set up a “group” for us as a family on Whatsapp this week.  For those of you who are not familiar with this – it is a real time messaging app that works on all mobile phones – iphone / blackberry / android / symbian / nokia / windows.  It is like text messaging on steroids and uses data so it is cheaper (for us here in South Africa anyway) than texting.
Anyway Son no 3 invited the whole family to join the group.  This of course was met with everyone responding with all sorts of comments about groups and groupies and groping etc (remember I have 4 boys so everything has a sexual connotation somewhere). And of course everyone was downloading pics and posting them for the group. (Profile icons used below)

The whole week has had the family interacting in one way or the other – even simple little messages like good morning or good night.  It has also helped with coordinating collection times from school.
Hubby sent out a message on the group chat session yesterday saying “he was coming out now”, meaning he was just finishing a meeting.  Of course this was met with a slurry of messages from the kids about “coming out” if you know what I mean.
Son no 2 sent the first message saying: Just came out?  Think you guys need to have a talk then! (aimed at hubby and myself).
I then said:  Didn’t you guys know? (playing along)
and then I added:  Haven’t you guys ever seen my strap-on?
Hubby said: You should see my strap-on….. 😉
Son no 3 said: I don’t wanna know and I don’t need to know!
Son no 2 said: I always knew there was never anything there.
And of course the obligatory “lol’s” followed from all.
Then this morning I sent out a message asking what “twerking” was (I don’t get out much).  I’ve heard the term used umpteen times but couldn’t be bothered to find out more.  Anyway curiosity got the better of me this morning.  The conversation went as follows:
Me: Ok – so WTF is twerking?
Son no 3: Nobody say anything!
Hubby: You must watch it – next best thing to belly dancing
Son no 3: NO!
Me: Is that a challenge
Son no 3: No!!! It’s not funny!! It’s sick and wrong!!
Hubby: Can’t wait to see you twerk 😉
Son no 3: NO!!
Son no 2 (from Dubai): This language could be banned in Dubai
So anyway, it has just been a real playful week with us all interacting at various times during the day about all sorts of things.  You should all try it – it could be fun!

Lanthie Ransom

Call Me!

Woman can be weird.  And I am no different.  There are little things that make me laugh or giggle and my phone is one of them.

I now have an iPhone 5 – battery life seriously sucks on it so I have gotten into the habit of plugging it into a power source when driving.  All the little compartments in my car are full of various bits of crap like keys / coins / kids phones and other tidbits.

So I tend to plug it in an stick it between my legs while driving.

And then when my phone rings, well, you can just imagine the look on my face (oooh, I’m vibrating!)

So I had this idea – thought I would create an app that well, makes me smile on command if you know what I mean (wink wink).

Thought that if I was going to take this seriously, I would have to do some research and see what other apps are out there.  So I went onto the App store and searched for the term “Vibrator”.  I came across 131 of them.

I downloaded a few FREE ones (in the name of research) and thought I would tell you about them.

iVibe Massage Lite

Tap screen once to start the vibrations.  Makes a hell of a noise.  Yeah, wasn’t too impressed with it.  You can upgrade to the full version for a fee, maybe that comes with more control.


Oh yeah!  Liked this one…..Touch with 1, 2 or 3 fingers to start the vibrations.  The effect was great – will be trying this one a few more times.

Hot Massage

Ok – I paid for this one – looked too good to miss.  This one didn’t do anything different to what any of the free versions did – it vibrated, that was it!


Paid for this one too.  It has a slider that you can move up or down to vary the vibrations – nice feature.  Very simple and easy to use.


This one looked interesting – Says you can send “buzzes” to your friends phones.  Tap buzz to make your friends phone buzz.  Looked like a nice feature so I downloaded it.   Couldn’t figure out how to use it and gave up after 20 seconds.

Others that looked interesting:

3D Color Viibrate Stick

Think you need to buy the “appliance” and download the app to make it work – May add this to my Christmas list!


This one also has an “appliance” that you buy and control with your phone.  mmmm – Must look out for it to try!

Can’t say any of them are “mind blowing” and left me little disappointed and despondent.  Not sure I will be writing that app after all.  None of them really did anything more than receiving a call will do – so CALL ME!

Lanthie Ransom

I’m A Gadget Freak

I am quite a gadget freak.  Working in the IT industry, I get exposed to quite a bit of new technology on a regular basis and I am always trying out new things.

I don’t often blog about new Tech or Gadgets but today I have to make an exception.  I been eyeing out a range of Bluetooth Speakers in our local gadget emporium and I decided to splash out and buy one of them today.

The salesman told me that the ShoXspin speaker would integrate seamlessly with my iPhone and not only would it play music, I could also have hands free conversations over it as it has a built in microphone.  Yeah yeah I thought – I’ve been conned before. (Lanthie rule # 6 – never believe anything a salesman says)

I got home and unpacked it.  Read the 2 page booklet to see how to pair it with my iPhone. I was pleasantly surprised when it paired first time.

I then selected some music and played it through the speaker and was amazed at the quality of the sound.  I was totally blown away when I made a phone call and had a conversation over it with a good friend of mine.

So it definitely has a thumbs up from me.