Vajazzling your Vajazzle!

I did a post back in September 2012 about Vajazzling called Vaj What?  (Click here to read it)   Now back then it was all rather new to me and I couldn’t see the fascination with “bejewelling” your privates with Swarovsky crystals.

I mean why would you want to have scratchy crystals adorning your nether regions.  And for what purpose?  Would that someone special really want them interfering with what he or she has in mind for down there.  Imagine trying to kiss a bunch of crystals – Awkward!   Not to mention that they may get a mouthful.  And I cant imagine the glue tastes any good either.

But the other day I went for my monthly facial and my beauty therapist handed me a card introducing their new service – Vajazzling!  She was rather shocked when I stopped her and said I know exactly what it is and I’ve blogged about it before.

But as I walked out I found myself strangely curious – perhaps I should try it out – just once!

Jennifer Love Hewitt apparently coined the term Vajazzling and I managed to find the Conan interview with her – it is very entertaining so enjoy…..


Lady in Red

I am not a shoe person.  My closet consists of about 6-8 pairs of boring every-day type shoes.  I have one or 2 favorites and I tend to wear these every day. And I hate to admit they are all BLACK.

Since I went out and bought my red-mini skirt (and a few more since then) and my stockings and suspenders (which I love by the way and find myself wearing them a few times a week), it has encouraged me to be a little more adventurous with shoes.  I love the way it all makes me feel.  I feel empowered as a woman and extremely sexy.

And of course let’s not forget the aim of annoying my sons – they hate it when I wear my new mini skirts and stockings.  This is not the mom they are used to.

So I have been looking out for shoes that scream SEXY!  And what better than a pair of RED STILETTO’s (or Red Hooker shoes as I call them).

I have been shopping and this is what I found:

The first pair I tried on.  Loved them but didn’t buy them.  Had second thoughts about it all.  Got home and regretted not buying them.  Then found these:
Liked them even more – especially with the ankle straps – resembling the shoes in my header on my blog.  But they didn’t have my size – these were slightly too small for me.
And eventually ended up buying these:
Now I just have to learn to walk in them without breaking my ankles!