What’s up for dinner

Just recently I have lost all interest in cooking. It must have a lot to do with hubby having had a gastric bypass about 5 weeks ago. He can now only eat literally 2 tablespoons full before he has had enough.

So all the big meals are out!

The kids are a pain to cater for. What one eats, the other doesn’t. The only thing they all seem to like are pasta dishes. So I have pretty much made some form of pasta dish each night for dinner for the last 5 weeks. I am now “pasta’d” out! (I know that probably isn’t a word but you get the gist)

I have absolutely no desire at the moment to cook anything more exciting and I think I will throw up if I have to face one more pasta meal. (Perhaps this is a good thing and I will lose some weight.)

One of hubby’s favourite TV programmes is Diners, Drivings and Dives with Guy Fieri. We are both sitting here drooling at the mouth watching some of the episodes.

If only I liked cooking more or was better at it. Perhaps I would be inclined to try experiment in the kitchen!

Let me know what you are all making for dinner tonight…

“Everything you see I owe to spaghetti”
Sofia Loren