What Makes A Man Sexy?

As the mother of 4 boys, I am most definitely the thorn amongst the roses.   And I quite possibly have myself to blame.

You see, when I got married, I was young and innocent and had a lot to prove.  I wanted to be able to stand up on my own 2 feet and never feel dependent on a man.  I made a point of trying to do it all – including any DIY tasks.  So over the years if anything needed to be fixed or cabled up or programmed, I was the go to person. I am the technical one in the family.  I like to know how things work and I also pick things up very easily.  I can do anything and I am a true Jack of All Trades.

In my mission to be Supermom, I have done all the shopping and cooking and running of the home and managing of the children.  I have been lucky enough to have a maid to do the general cleaning but her duties have always stopped there.  Besides being Supermom, I also am part owner of 4 companies and run another company.  I have a very full day starting at 4am.

Hubby is and always has been a workaholic.  It is very typical for him to get up at 1am and be in the office working.  He enjoys what he does and I don’t have a problem with the hours he works. It also means he is in bed by 7pm at night of course.  We have always been very lucky with our business and have never wanted for anything so I can’t complain.  He has of course always let me get on with trying to be Supermom and left everything to me.

But lately things have changed.  I am tired of doing it all.  I would die happy if I never cooked another meal or attended another school function or attended another parents evening or done any shopping.  I love shopping as much as the next woman when it involves buying nice pretty things for me, but I am so done with the day to day shopping for groceries or household related items.  I am tempted to let my family die of starvation unless they go out and buy it themselves and cook it themselves.  Oh what I’d do for a man who could cook and do the shopping.

I hate it when I ask my family what they want for dinner – The typical answer is what have we got or whatever you want to make.  Guys – don’t you get it! I don’t want to make anything.  Just tell me WTF you want and I’ll make it.  The same with the grocery shopping.

So this brings me down to the point of this post.  I would like nothing better than to have a man that shares in the grocery shopping and cooking.    I think there is nothing sexier than a man in the kitchen making a meal and I mean a real meal – not eggs on toast or heating a ready made meal up in the microwave.

But then I saw something that made me see the downside to this fantasy.

I spent most of the weekend doing paperwork for a charitable organisation’s board I sit on and the board sat on Sunday morning so I did not have the opportunity to go shopping when I usually do.  The first opportunity I had was at lunch time on Sunday.  It was hectic.  Parking was a nightmare.  There were no trolleys.  The shelves were empty.  There was a long queue for the tills.  I was forced to spend longer than I wanted in the store.  Which gave me more time to observe other people shopping.

There was a young’ish father shopping in front of me.  He definitely had the drool factor (real nice tight ass!)  He was also pushing a trolley with a young girl of about 5 in – obviously his daughter.  So trying to keep my eyes off his ass, I was observing his interaction with his daughter.  And after a while I found myself uttering the term “Oh cute”.

Yeah – “Oh cute”.  They were adorable together.  He was all cutchy-coo with her and she was all lovey dovey to him.  And suddenly the drooling stopped.  There was nothing manly or sexy about him at all – in fact I wanted to barf!

I would hate to imagine him going home and the 2 of them together in the kitchen cooking a meal.

So a message to all you hot sexy dads out there – I know you quite possibly love your daughters more than life itself, but please leave them at home when you go shopping.  You can’t imagine how much you destroyed a perfectly good fantasy today.


I have a number of fantasies and this is probably not the right medium to go into some of them but I thought I would indulge in one of my less risque fantasies here.

I was browsing our local news website today – http://www.news24.com.  One of the featured articles was about the highest paid actors in Hollywood – My fantasy of course would be to earn this much money IN MY ENTIRE LIFE and not just performing in one film or in one year.

On this site, they go on to mention the following actors as being the highest paid and I thought I would give you some of my thoughts:

9/10 (tie). Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner – $26.5 million

Hmm – Robert Pattinson isn’t bad but Tayor Lautner is just so Yummy.  If only he was 20 years older (or I was 20 years younger).  Then I wouldn’t feel so guilty about drooling.  As actors – well they are both rather young and I m not sure they have deserved the right to earn this much money just yet.  But I suppose millions of female teenagers would disagree with me.

8. Mark Wahlberg – $27 million

He is not bad but he is pretty average in my books. I could think of 10 other actors more deserving than him.

7 (tie). Will Smith – $30 million
Will Smith is very versatile and an amazing actor.  Watched Men in Black 3 the other day and I always enjoy his movies.  He is brilliant.

7 (tie). Johnny Depp – $30 million
There is just so much to say here – I’ll leave till last…….

6. Sacha Baron Cohen – $30 million
Not sure how he gets to make this much money and I am left quite speechless.  I dont think he is funny or has any talent (my opinion – just saying).  I would do my best to NOT see any of his films.

5. Ben Stiller – $33 million
He is good at what he does.  Not really one of my top actors but I have seen a few films of his that have been very entertaining.  I don’t believe he deserves this sort of money, but then I suppose box office numbers count a lot here.

4. Dwayne Johnson – $36 million
Another actor that is very average in my books.  Doesn’t do anything for me and I wouldn’t miss him if he never appeared on screen again.

3. Adam Sandler – $37 million

50 First Dates is one of my favourite films so he deserves every penny for this film alone – and for the rest of his life.

2. Leonardo DiCaprio – $37 million
I think he is one of those actors that you absolutely love or hate.  Personally, I hate him.  I just don’t like the guy and none of his movies have ever appealed to me – including Titanic.

1. Tom Cruise – $75 million
WOW! is all I can say.  I am not sure what anyone has to do to earn this much money but can they please teach me how – I’ll even take off my clothes and do it naked!  He is extremely talented and I love his movies.  He draws a huge audience and is just a natural actor who can do everything and anything.  

Now let’s get back to Johnny Depp!

Some fellow bloggers and I spend so much time fantasizing about him and swapping half naked pictures of him.

Besides being an amazing actor and being able to portray any character, he just oozes sex appeal.  Can’t identify why – if you look at him he is not particularly handsome.

But if you stare – he is absolutely gorgeous. He is the personification of perfection. He has just turned 49 so just the right age for me (In case he is looking!).

He is just so sexy – even when dressed as a pirate.  So very deserving of every penny and more…….

Let me know your thoughts about these actors.

(ps – if Johnny Depp is reading this – I would love to meet you!  It would make my wildest dreams come true)