I gave my Son a Playboy

Hubby brought home a Playboy magazine the other day.  Something I have not looked at for years.  A day later it was laying on my pile of magazines to read along with my Fairlady and Cosmo.  A little strange as this sort of mag usually sits on Hubby’s pile for a lot longer.

So of course I grabbed at the opportunity to have a look-see at the HOT NAKED BABES!  And “read some of the articles”.  And about 2 minutes later I had finished.

I felt quite let down actually.  There were a few naked pics and quite honestly I didn’t look at any of them and say “Oh, If only I was 18 again!”.  And I wasn’t very impressed with any of the articles either.

I remember when a Playboy magazine had a certain appeal to it.  Men would kill to get their hands on one – especially here in South Africa where it was banned.

You now get to see more revealing pictures on billboards here.

I ended up putting it on the kitchen counter and Hubby noticed.  He asked if I had finished reading it.  I gave him my opinion and he agreed.  He then picked it up and headed towards the paper re-cycling bin to put it in the trash. I stopped him and suggested we give it to our 16 year old son to read.  I mean why not.  My son has access to the www and I am sure perv’s over a lot juicier pics than this (or should I pretend my 16 year old would never look at naked pics of women).

Lanthie Ransom

Finding the Perfect Man

I think finding the perfect man or partner in life is one of the most difficult tasks you will ever have to undertake.

I came across an online article the other day – one of those Cosmo type checklists and I thought I would make my own list of things I find key in choosing the right man.

You can compromise on so many things but the following should be non-negotiable:

  1. If a man really wants to be with you, nothing will keep him away
  2. Slower is better – don’t rush a relationship
  3. Don’t ever settle – if you have doubts, move on
  4. Trust your instincts
  5. Accept that you will never be able to change a man
  6. He needs to let you be you
  7. You must share common core beliefs and values
  8. He needs to make you laugh – nothing is sexier than a man with a sense of humor
  9. Never let a man (or anyone else) define your worth
  10. Never let a man disrespect you
  11. His job, education and financial status does not make him superior to you and he has no right to belittle you
  12. You must be able to communicate and honest communication is key
  13. He needs to be your friend
  14. He needs to make you feel good about yourself
  15. You need to have a general sense of happiness when around him
  16. He needs to bring out the best in you
  17. Don’t stick around if he is manipulative and controlling
  18. You must share 3 things: Lust, Attraction, Attachment

Are there any points you would like to add?