Wanna Feel My Jugs

I have done something I’ve never done before!  I went to an Oktober Beerfest (I really don’t get out much).

I was invited to join my brother and his friends and staff at their table at the annual Oktober Beerfest at Montecasino last night.  I wasn’t going to go originally but thought I could do with a night out – best case I would have some fun, and the worst case I would have a night out with friends and family.

I knew the night was going to be a whole bunch of fun when I started receiving selfies from the girls at my brothers office asking me when I would be arriving as they were doing hair and make-up.

The office is just across the road from the venue so I stopped by the office to have my touch-up’s done to my make-up.  The girls were already light-headed as my brother had been lacing their drinks all afternoon with Tequila (My brother has a nasty sense of humor 🙂  ).

Anyway – after much debating about what to wear / accessorize we finally headed out the door.

We arrived just on time.  There was a desk near the door for a driver service for those that were expecting to have a few too many.  You were obviously charged a fee and got a free T-Shirt to wear indicating that they were responsible for taking you home later.

There were already loads of people there and the band had not started yet.  So we sat down to some snacks on the table and ordered our first round of beer.  There was a variety of beer on tap so I went with what everyone else was having – I started with a “girls” beer.  Tasted more like pee so moved on to another brand as the night wore on.  We all donned our aprons – all the girls opted for the aprons with the “BIG JUGS” on.

Nice Jugs

One of the young ladies in our crowd (lets caller her Miss M) was being eyed out by one of the guys sitting at a table close-by.  Miss M is pretty, young and slender and was wearing a tight fitting dress – so she looked seriously HOT!    Anyway, he eventually beckoned her over to his table.  Now he looked extremely hot as well and I found myself drooling, but there is no way I could have competed with Miss M – I am slightly older and wider wiser.  So she ventured over and they had a chat.  He seemed like a really nice guy and they chatted for a minute or 2 before she came back over to our table.

Lots of flirting across the room by the two of them ensued and he eventually ventured over to our table and bought shots of Jagermeisters for our entire table (16 of us).  Not to mention the HUGE tip he gave the waitress.  Anyway, there I was drooling downing my shot watching these two get on really well.  (She is recently single so was nice to see her having fun after a break-up).

After about 5 minutes, Miss M leans over the table to me and mentions that he just asked her to join him in the toilets for a “quickie”.  She was stunned and didn’t know how to react.  I couldn’t help but laugh – took him less than 10 minutes from first meet to ask this question.   And all of a sudden he didn’t look so hot anymore.  So she very quickly told him where to shove his advances.

Miss M was certainly the highlight of the evening.  After slightly too many beers and a little too much fun, we all found ourselves dancing in the aisles with everyone else.  However, ALL the guys were circling around her with their phones out taking pictures and taking video’s of Miss M dancing.

The VIP tables had extra large beer mugs on that you could take home.  Miss M wanted one for herself so eventually she plucked up the courage (or lost her inhibitions – not sure which) and ventured over to one of the VIP tables to where a bunch of “older” men were sitting.    Her pick up line was “nice glasses” and she asked if she could please have one of the mugs to take home.  They gladly obliged and she walked off with 6.  She did pose for a photo or 2 with them as well so they didn’t walk off empty handed.

Our entire crowd had good clean fun all evening.  Some had slightly more beer fun than the rest of us but we all found ourselves laughing and dancing.

The event was finally shut down at 11.30pm so we had to leave.  I can’t remember when last I had so much fun so really glad I went.

Eventually got into bed at around 12.30am and suddenly noticed I had lost my belly ring – after the last saga with losing part of it a few weeks ago, I was prepared this time and had some spares (Read previous post about this #awkward moment here)

A few more pics below…..

Just friends

My brother and I

Some of the girls from the office

Lanthie Ransom