Blow Job of the Century

I has been a momentus week for me – I have reached 100,000 views on my blog and in less than 2 years!  A few months ago I would have been ecstatic to reach 50,000 on my second anniversary.  And then about 2 months ago I upped my expectations to 75,000.  So I have exceeded my expections by far and I have you all to thank. 

So THANK YOU to all of you who do me the honour of reading and following my blog.


Now what does this have to do with Blow Jobs you may ask.  Well there is a story.  In fact I have written this story a few times and always end up deleting it as I just cannot get up the courage to press the PUBLISH button.  You see I can write about blow jobs, orgasms, sex, penis sizes etc in general.  But when it comes to the nitty gritty of the real personal side, I go all shy. 

I made 2 promises to Hubby – the second promise was to tell this story publically if I reached 100,000 views in less than 2 years and the first promise is as follows.  (I suggest that anyone who knows me personally go and read someone elses blog or go and make a cup of tea.  I would hate to try and look you in the eye after this.  And a note to my sons – you do not want to read on and it will give you nightmares!)

Hubby has had a weight issue for many many years – in fact most of our married life.  It started off with IBS and then he had complications of diverticular disease and ended up having a huge chunk of his large colon removed about 10 years ago and his weight just seemed to increase as the years went by.  I made a promise to him about 12 years ago that if he ever lost weight and got down to 100kg’s, I would give him a “blow job“. I was hoping it would be motivation enough for him to make the effort to lose the weight.  In our 25 years of marriage, I have never been able to give hubby a BJ – yeah I know, I am a cruel wife!

Last year in May, hubby had a gastric bypass.  Since then he has lost over 60kg’s.  He reached the 100kg mark about 2 months ago.  And hubby was of course quick to politey remind me of my promise.  At first I felt obliged to fulful my promise.  But then when push came to shove, I chickened out.  You see I just cannot do it.

Hubby makes a habit of reminding me of my promise regularly.  And I swallow hard (excuse the pun) and toy with the idea…….. and then chicken out.  I just cannot do it!

So it looks like dear hubby will have to do without the pleasure.  Unless of course he decides to trade me in for a newer model!