We know it’s hard but try to keep excitement levels down!

I hate shopping with my sons – especially for clothes.  I had the rare pleasure on Friday as it was Son no 4’s birthday and he turned 13.  New clothes was on his birthday wish list (Yeah – strange kid, my other sons only ever had gadgets on their lists).

Anyway, I went traipsing around Sandton City Shopping Centre with him looking for new jeans. Son no 4 is not easily impressed and shopping for a pair of jeans is hardly a task he enjoys.  So I gave him his space and followed him into various stores while he pulled his face up at various different styles – he didn’t want Blue jeans, he wants Black ones (whatever that means)!

We finally found a pair he vaguely liked – so I sent him off to the fitting rooms to try them on.  I followed him in and asked for him to please pop out of the change room so I could double check the fitting.

Upon entering the fitting rooms – I was quite surprised to find that they were huge – and there was something original about them.   They had labelled each door with a quote of sorts.  I took a few pics to show you all.  I just love it when stores have a sense of humor and a little originality.

What happens in here, stays in here

This is not a door, it’s a gateway to hot looks

Don’t forget to pout

No photo’s without your agent present

Behind door no 3 …. nothing but good looks

You, this door, our clothes … anything can happen

Get in here quick, everybody’s doing it

We know it’s hard but try keep excitement levels down

We think you’re “so hot right now”
Way better than a phone booth … just ask superman

(The store in question was Mr Price at Sandton City Shopping Centre)

Orgasms of the Wet Kind

I am sure loads of you are reading this purely because of the title so hope I wont disappoint you.  This is a slightly risque blog so if you are under 18 or narrow minded when it comes to sex, please move on and read something from the left hand side of this post. (Note to my sons – you do not want to read this!)

As you know, I like to read trashy women’s magazines, but occasionally I like to pick up and read a man’s mag.  I picked one up the other day and it was all about how to make a women “SQUIRT“.  This caught my attention immediately so I read on……..

It is not a new term to me – I am aware of some women being able to “Squirt” but this article claimed that all women can do it!  (Sounds like hard work to me.)

So I did some investigation.

Firstly it sounds a little gross to me -why would I want to leave a wet patch behind.  Sex is messy enough without having to lay down waterproof sheets.  But the thought of orgasms’s that are so mind blowing caught my attention.  Now I must admit I have had some rather wet orgasms and felt a little embarrassed about the mess I have left afterwards, but never thought of them as anything more than that.

Squirt – Yeah, we really need to find a new title for it – The term Squirting just sounds so unladylike – perhaps we should call it Spritz or Extravasate or even Erupt – anything is better than the term Squirt.   So I’m going to call it Spritz from here on.

Alright then – let’s get back to mind blowing orgasms – who doesn’t want one.  I must admit that I have had some seriously amazing sex lately.  We all strive to liven up our sex lives in various ways and experiment with different techniques and positions and even introduce various aids into the bedroom and what better way than to add “Spritzing” to the list of things to try.

The only thing required for Spritzing is you and your partner (obviously one of them has to be female) and in fact a partner is not even required and can be achieved by masturbation alone.

Women can have many different types of orgasms and general consensus seems to be 3, but I have come across articles claiming that there are as many as 11 different types of orgasms a woman can have.  The main 3 are:

CLITORAL ORGASM which is most common among women.  This is the direct stimulation of the clitoris and happens during masturbation. You can also give them a clitoral orgasm orally if you know what you’re doing.

VAGINAL ORGASM which comes from the inside of the vagina from either the G-spot or the deep spot. This is the kind of female orgasm that can infuse their entire body, making them feel numb and shiver with excitement uncontrollably. (My favorite!)

BLENDED ORGASM which is a combination of clitoral and vaginal orgasm and is usually the most pleasurable.

Now Spritzing is usually achieved during the Vaginal Orgasm by stimulating the G-spot, which is considered an erotic zone located internally at the front of the vagina. This area is connected with the urethra. Pressure on the G-spot area will probably produce a desire to pee. A woman has to be EXTREMELY comfortable with her partner or with herself in order for this to be achieved. This kind of female orgasm builds a very deep bond between a woman and her partner and is apparently the most intimate and delightful thing you can share as a couple.
I’m not going to give you How-To instructions here – Just look up “How to make women squirt” in Google and you will be inundated with video’s and instructions.

Happy browsing! (nudge nudge wink wink)


2D or not 2D

The family and I like to see the occasional film at the cinema’s.  Especially the big block busters.  Last weekend we thought we would go and see the new Star Trek Into Darkness movie.  We usually like to see the early morning show on a Sunday.  We typically have the cinema pretty much to ourselves and we don’t have to deal with screaming brats and inconsiderate people using their cellphones.

We do however have one provisio, and as a family we have all agreed on this, and that is that we refuse to see a movie in 3D.  I just cannot understand the attraction to 3D.  Firstly it is more expensive.  Secondly you have to sit there like a dork wearing ill fitting 3D glasses.  Thirdly it adds nothing to the film itself.  My mind boggles at the fact that 3D has become so popular.

You can now even buy 3D televisions – I have one.  Never used the 3D function on it and never will.

So last week I went online to book tickets for Star Trek Into Darkness, to find that only the 3D
version is available.  The 2D version is only shown occasionally and usually at odd times. As a result, we didn’t go to the cinema.  The resulting factor in all this is that we will download it down the line and watch it on TV.

We would love to see Man of Steel next weekend but I can foresee that only the 3D version will be available as well.

How do you a feel about 3D?  Or am I just getting old!

Finding the Perfect Man

I think finding the perfect man or partner in life is one of the most difficult tasks you will ever have to undertake.

I came across an online article the other day – one of those Cosmo type checklists and I thought I would make my own list of things I find key in choosing the right man.

You can compromise on so many things but the following should be non-negotiable:

  1. If a man really wants to be with you, nothing will keep him away
  2. Slower is better – don’t rush a relationship
  3. Don’t ever settle – if you have doubts, move on
  4. Trust your instincts
  5. Accept that you will never be able to change a man
  6. He needs to let you be you
  7. You must share common core beliefs and values
  8. He needs to make you laugh – nothing is sexier than a man with a sense of humor
  9. Never let a man (or anyone else) define your worth
  10. Never let a man disrespect you
  11. His job, education and financial status does not make him superior to you and he has no right to belittle you
  12. You must be able to communicate and honest communication is key
  13. He needs to be your friend
  14. He needs to make you feel good about yourself
  15. You need to have a general sense of happiness when around him
  16. He needs to bring out the best in you
  17. Don’t stick around if he is manipulative and controlling
  18. You must share 3 things: Lust, Attraction, Attachment

Are there any points you would like to add?