It’s The End Of The World As We Know It

Good Morning Good Morning

Woke up to a whole new world today – Day 1 of total LOCKDOWN due to COVID-19.

I haven’t blogged for quite some time due to time pressures but suddenly find I have all this spare time on my hands, so thought what better way than to touch base with my old blogging friends (Knock Knock – Hope you are all still out there) and start blogging again.

I will be endeavoring to write a new post everyday for the next 21 days of Lockdown.

The Lockdown is not anything any of us could foresee and it will be the end of most of our businesses and possibly my own.  We have had to put 125 people off work this week as we cannot afford to pay them if we are unable to work.  So feeling a little sad that it has all come to this.  But I am not going to harp on about this dreadful disease, there is enough hype about it all without me adding to it.

So in amongst all this madness, I find myself home on our farm – my little piece of paradise.  Feeling less stressed.  Woke up with a smile after a good night sleep.  Reached out for our JBL Xtreme 2 Bluetooth speaker and what better way to start the day than with some music.

Opening song –

Got out of bed, got dressed and decided to wash dishes and found myself dancing to:

So yes, life is good!

Will be looking for things to blog about everyday.  Definitely going to take advantage of the time on my hands and find something new and interesting to do each day.

The first is going to be about us making some Banana Brandy (Ugandan Waragi).

So leaving you with an alternative version to It’s the end of the world as we know it – Enjoy!

