I broke a Lanthie Rule

I have certain personal golden rules.  And at the top of the list of rules is that I don’t eat McDonalds Fast Food.  In fact I am generally not wild about fast food burgers – pick a brand – KFC / Burger King etc – they all taste like crap to me.

I have had a seriously hectic day and been on the run all day.  I had a late afternoon meeting and had to make my way though rush hour traffic and fetch Son no 3 from Drama practice on the way home.  There is no way I was going to rush home and still cook.  So I made the decision to pick up fast food and the most convenient drive-thru was a McDonald’s.

To top it all off, I have not eaten all day so I am starving.  I could seriously eat ANYTHING.  So I committed a sin and broke a Lanthie rule and bought a Big Mac for myself.

I rushed home and devoured it I was so hungry.  And I can honestly say I am so sorry I did and I will be regretting it all night and possibly for the next 3 days.

If that didn’t make me feel gross enough, to get the taste out of my mouth, I ate half a can on Condensed Milk.  I love condensed milk – almost as much as I like Cadbury’s Creme Eggs.  But it definitely does not have the same taste or effect after a Big Mac (Ugh).  Now I just feel totally grossed out.

Guess what I will be doing at 2am: