Don’t Hate The Bieber!

So I am really splashing out and seeing another show tonight.  I am sitting back in the Stadium Management Suite at FNB Stadium to see Justin Bieber.  Please don’t hate me for it.  I have had so many fellow bloggers and friends telling me I’m crazy and how can I tolerate him.  He is nothing but a spoilt brat.  But quite honestly I know so little about this young man and he is in the media so much, I thought I would come see for myself what all the hype is about.  I have a totally open mind.

I left home early afternoon, only to hit an accident on the Freeway.  Was stuck in the back-log for almost 2 hours.  Most of the traffic were all Bieber fans on their way to the show.  Everyone with a sunroof had it open with young girls hanging out.  Car windows all open and again young girls hanging out.  Some with Bieber masks.  Some with Bieber written in their foreheads.  Some with hearts inked on their cheeks and arms.  Some with Bieber caps and other regalia on.  The vibe in the traffic was amazing.  People walking and chatting to others.  Times like this it is great to be part of the crowd.
Finally got past the accident scene and was at the stadium in no time.  There was no backlog of traffic like there was yesterday.  However parking areas were full – apparently some people had been queuing since 4am.  Now I am once again parked in the stadium basement but to get there is a mission.  Not helped by the police and security not knowing how to direct me (Even though I know where I need to go).
Eventually found myself back in the suite eating pizza.  I would come to see any show here just for the pizza.  They have opened the room up next to the suite  as well – loads if teenyboppers here with their parents.
6pm arrived – opening act is Locnville.  They are hugely popular here and known for their song Sun In My Pocket – one of my favourites.



Once their act finished, the great debate started – how late was Bieber going to be.  I found myself standing next to the Promoter and he explained that there was a countdown clock which is displayed on the screens 10 minutes before he appears.  It was estimated that he was going to be at least half an hour late though. And within 30 seconds of saying that, the countdown clock started. We all thought someone had made a mistake and after much walky-talking, it was confirmed that he was indeed going to be on time and the countdown clock was correct.  Apparently the first time in ages that The Bieber was on time!  He came on stage at 7pm exactly.
Everytime the clock counted down a minute, the crowd went nuts.  As it hit zero, the stadium shook from all the screaming.  I tried to film (below) it but not sure I can do it justice.


I have a compilation CD in my car which I listen to everyday and one of the songs is called Beauty and the Beat.  It is actually one of my favourite songs at the moment.  Little did I know it was one of Justin Biebers songs.  Perhaps I should be paying more attention to the actual artists in future.
His final encore song was of course Baby Baby.  And the reaction from the crown was just indescribable.  Thought the building was going to crumble underneath me from all the noise.  The show ended early – 8.30pm in fact.  Show was planned to finish early as it was a school night.
I had a thoroughly enjoyable evening actually.  I thought Bieber was spectacular on stage.  He is in every way an amazing showman.  He has a fanbase and they love him.  And he deserves the respect from everyone else – regardless of whether you like him or not.

I took some pics which I thought I’d share.