Gigantic Pussy

In case you were wondering, this post has nothing to do with cats so read on……

And for all you guys out there – GET YOUR MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER!

This post involves my sons again. I hate to harp on about them but they provide me with excellent fodder for my blog and it is hard to resist telling you about some of the stuff they come up with.

Son no 3 and 4 go through stages where they are the best of friends for weeks, and then they go through weeks where they want to kill each other. At the moment we are going through the latter of the 2 stages. So we have the typical pushing each other as they walk past each other, or the tripping up of each other and other subtle gestures – and of course they think I don’t see any of it.

So today we are in the car on our way to school when I asked my sons if they have any idea what I could blog about today. So Son no 3 says “you can write about what a big gigantic pussy he is”, pointing to son no 4.

So of course my mind being what it is, immediately thought what a great title for this post.

I also came accross the following and thought it was perfect for this post – enjoy……

Messages on a Board – Poi

I told you about the messages my son leaves on my board in the kitchen a few days ago.  He wrote a new meassge today so I thought I would share.  This one has a bit of a story.

My son has suddenly discovered POI.  Now I had no idea what this was until a couple of days ago. Apparently there is a kid at school who does it and my son now wants to go for lessons blah blah blah.  Needless to say, he has started twirling any and everything he can find in the house.  Not only does he want to do Poi (hope I’ve used the term correctly), but he wants to do “Fire Poi”.

So he is now trying to talk me into a) paying for the lessons and b) buying his POI “gear”. 

My son sent me a few YouTube clips as part of his sales pitch and of course mentioned that clip no 3 shows how I can go for lessons as well and use it with my Belly Dancing.  (Yeah….maybe not!). 

Feel free to view the clips below.




Should I Let My Son Get A Tattoo?

Son no 3 turns 16 next month and he wants a tattoo.  Hubby is cool with it.  I’ve said he can have one only if it says “I love my Mum” somewhere on it.  After much deliberation, I have agreed to go with the majority vote on my blog.

So come on fellow bloggers, please vote – it will only take a few seconds.  No pressure to side with me on this one…..

  • Yes
  • No
  • Only if it says I LOVE MY MUM

Let me know what you think – comments welcome!

Lesbian’s Sex Tape

I have a whiteboard on the wall in my kitchen and my family knows that if they want something from the store, they need to write it on the board.  Otherwise I don’t buy it.  I have explained to them on numerous occasions that I don’t have time to inspect the cupboards before I go shopping to make a list of what we need.

Don’t just tell me you’ve run out of toothpaste or shampoo and can I buy some next time I go shopping.  I won’t remember!  Write it on the board.  Then when I go shopping, I take a pic of the board with my phone and Voila!  I have an instant shopping list.

So my 15 years old son has gotten into the habit of making notes on the board – sometimes he writes a random poem and sometimes he makes a wish list, and sometimes he tries his luck with something like the note below.  So I thought I would start putting these on my blog.

Shhhh – Don’t tell him else he’ll stop.

This is his latest message…..

The Memory of What Once Was

Son no 3 wrote this poem for a school project this week which touched my heart.  Enjoy …..

The Memory of what once was

The Memory of what once was
Standing at the fence
I think of memories so dense
I put out my hand and
feel my sorrows fall from my fingers like sand
To touch is to feel
feel what was once is no more
I was such a dunce
to walk out that door
As I lean against the fence I can feel the trust
And I understand that I misused your trust
The moment that I was bust
drooling over such lust
I miss your hugs
To me they were like drugs
I’m sorry I lied
Without you I might as well be taking cyanide

By Gregory Ransom

Proudest Mom in the World

Son no 4 was recently elected as a Prefect at school.  He is in Grade 7 which is the senior year of what we term as primary school in South Africa.  They went on prefect camp 2 weeks ago which is like a leadership camp where they all bond and vote on the Head Boy and Head Girl positions for the year.  This vote is then tallied and the teachers and school Principal get to have their say and finally the heads are elected at some point in the near future.

Today I was invited to attend the school assembly once again.  This usually means that my child is receiving an award of sorts and I am very proud to say that my son has been elected as Head Boy.

I am thrilled to death. He is thrilled to death.  He has always claimed it is a sure thing for him and he has claimed for the last 3 years that this position is his.  So I am really pleased all of his hard work has paid off.

As life would have it, I cleaned out my cupboard yesterday and managed to do a really good purge.  I also found a dress I have never worn before.  I am generally not big on dresses so it was a quick decision to chuck it out or wear it.  So I decided to wear it today and of course wore the highest heels I have to go with it.  As they started announcing the heads, they kindly asked for the parents to come up on stage as well.  So there I am, in my short dress, white legs, high clunky heels, clunking my way up the stairs to the stage (imagining myself falling flat on my face going up), and then clunking my way all across the stage.  Had I known, I would have dressed a lot more modestly!  I stood there whilst they took photographs with the biggest smile ever on my face – firstly because I am so proud and secondly because I was having a seriously embarrassing moment imagining what I must look like.

I am not a helicopter mom and I am fairly hands off when it comes to schooling.  Yes I make sure homework is done and I even help out on occasion but I generally leave the teachers to do their thing.  I don’t believe in putting too much pressure on your kids and I don’t expect a report full of A’s.

Son no 4 has always been the brainiac in the family and typically brings home reports which are full of A’s.  He was also recently elected cricket captain as well so he has a fairly full plate which of course comes with extra pressures.

So I am a really proud mum today and I know he will do an amazing job in his new position as Head Boy!

Funny Things Kids Know

As you get older things start to, now how do I put this diplomatically, go south or sag. Especially after giving birth to 4 kids.

Your boobs are definitely more familiar with your knees than your shoulders for instance. 
Hubby has recently lost just over 50kg’s and the other day we were comparing certain parts of our bodies that have seen better days. As a result of the weight loss, he has a lot of loose skin now. So we were seeing whose bits wobble the most.  
So I was showing him my arms and what I have always referred to as “turkey wings”. You know the underside of your upper arms that just hang there and wobble as you get older. 
Son no 4 then interrupts us and says “they are called Bingo Wings”.  
What are Bingo Wings I ask – and he reaches over and gently squeezes the underside of my upper arms and shows me. 
So I just had to query how he knows this. I mean do 12 year olds hang out at school and discuss their parents (or grandparents) wobbly bits and what they are called? 
Later that day I Googled the term Bingo Wings – and as sure as hell – they are what I have always referred to as turkey wings.

Funny Things Kids Say

Kids say the funniest of things sometimes.  Mine are a little less funny nowadays that they are older but occasionally they say something that just makes me have a quiet chuckle.

My 2 youngest Sons recently started calling me Mother – no more Mom or Mommy – unless they need something of course – then it is “Mommy, Can I….”

We were having a conversation in the car last week when we were going through the weeks schedule.  It is exam time at school so I asked my Sons what exams they had over the next few days.

Of course Son no 3 and 4 were ragging each other about one thing or the other as usual. Son no 3 was reciting what exams he had on the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Monday.  He couldn’t remember what exam he had on the following Tuesday though.

So Son no 4 accuses him of not knowing anything and how can he not know what he was writing on Tuesday.

Son no 3 then says “Well Mother doesn’t know what’s for dinner tonight so I recon I am better than her”.

I just had to laugh.

Mine’s bigger than yours

This week is quite an exciting one for me.

Today was Son no 1’s birthday – he was 24 today. So I made my famous Mac and Cheese for dinner – this is the favorite meal with all my kids. I felt quiet bad as this is the first year I did not buy him a present. It is very difficult buying something for a IT geek who has everything (And he really would not appreciate a pair of socks!).  So we had dinner and then had some delicious chocolate cake (store bought I’m afraid – I have to work for a living!).

The printer technician also came early this morning and replaced the fault part on my new printer.  So I did some test prints and it is amazing.  Can’t wait to actually have to print a job on it for a client.  The word will get out though and I am sure I will have loads of people wanting printing done.

I am having my hair done tomorrow – I need my high-lites redone and could do with a trim.  I have been trying to grow my hair for about 18 months now.  It has been really difficult as it irritates the hell out of me, but I have managed to grow it this long and I am certainly not cutting it short again.

Then I am having my monthly wax on Thursday – This probably falls in the TMI category so I will leave it at that…..

Then on Friday – Son no 2 arrives from Dubai!  He is bringing his girlfriend with and I am dying to meet her. Pity they are only here for a week.

I am bracing myself for the heightened testosterone levels with having all 4 boys around for a week.  In fact – I have been seriously thinking about popping one of my HRT pills into their morning breakfasts for the next week in anticipation that it will being down the testosterone levels.

Mine's bigger than yours

Son no 4, who recently turned 12, is starting to go though puberty.  He is being so testy with son no 3 at the moment and just pokes and pokes and pokes at him all the time.  We are still having the morning snarl at each other as Son no 4 is still sitting in his new position at the table and Son no 3 still insists on setting his place in the old position.  Everything is a competition and they are all experts at everything.  Most of the time I can ignore it, but some days I want to pull my hair out.

Next week will be worse as I will have all of them wanting to prove something – especially the 2 older ones making a point of telling the 2 younger ones why they have it so much easier and when they were little they had to do this and that else they were beaten or locked in the bathroom etc etc  (they must have found their way into an alternate reality at some point as I don’t remember any of this, but anyway….).

Well it is time for bed and I will let you know how my week goes.

It’s Not Your Place

It’s not your place has been the theme at home his week.  I’ll explain…

We usually get up at around 5.30 in the morning. We all get bathed / showered etc.  Son no 3 sets the breakfast table, we sit and have breakfast, then we brush teeth and get into the car for the morning school run.  Most mornings this all runs smoothly and everyone is in a good mood.

This week has been different though.  Son no 4 has decided to change his position at the table and this has upset Son no 3. So chatter around the table has been met with comments like – “Stop looking at me / Dork / I Don’t want to look at your ugly face etc etc.”

I have done some illustrations below to help you visualise:

This first illustration shows our original seating layout – when we still had Son no 1 and 2 at home.  As you can see – Son no 4 sits on the right hand side.

The following illustration shows our current seating arrangement – it is just the 4 of us nowadays so there is loads of space at the table.

Son no 4 has decided to move from position 2 to position no 6.  No big deal really and hubby and I  have no issues with it.  Son no 3 of course is causing major problems over the move though.  He insists on setting a place for Son no 4 in position 2 every morning.  Son no 4 then comes into the kitchen and they snarl at each other for 5 minutes and then Son no 4 moves his place setting to position 6.

Then the 2 of them spend the rest of the time throwing derogatory comments at each other.  So by the time we get into the car – World War 3 and 4 has happened.

We told Son no 3 one morning that if he didn’t like it – he could go eat in the dining-room storeroom. (I say storeroom as our dining-room is currently home to the treadmill white elephant and loads of boxes and washing baskets etc.)  So he sat in the dining-room on his own.

Whatever hubby and I do or say – we are accused of favouring the other child.  There is just no way of winning this argument.