I was complaining to a fellow blogger the other day about the fact that I just cannot seem to sit and write a post at the moment. I can think of titles for posts. I start writing the first sentence…… and then nothing. I have no more words. I have had this problem for the last 2 weeks. One of the reasons for my Bananas post last week – and that went down very well just by the way…….
So we then started debating whether we were entitled to use the term “Writer” and in turn if we were entitled to use the term “Writer’s Block“.
To be quite honest, I actually don’t know what entitles one to use the term “Writer”. At what point are you considered a writer? Is this after you have been published? Is it after you have sold any of your works or made money from writing? Or does it apply to wider audience such as bloggers?
We then started playing around and making up alternative words to use in place of writer’s block.
Eventually we had a short list of 3 or 4 words and we eventually agreed to use the term “Blogstipation“.
So today I thought I would brag about the fact that I have coined a new term. And then I looked the word up in Google – and guess what – the phase has already been coined:
Taken from Urban Dictionary:
n. Inability to blog regularly
n. Inability to think of anything to blog about