Groundhog Day Ramblings

So here we are at the end of the first month of 2018 already and the Silly Season is well behind us.

I was lucky enough these past weeks to spend a lot of time back home in Swaziland after not having been there for quite a few months before that.  And gosh how I missed it.

We all lead such stressful lives at the moment and each day is just a re-run of the last.  It is Groundhog Day over and over again.

For those of us who are employed, it is the stress of trying to survive on the same salary cheque when the cost of living increases on a month to month basis and the 13th cheque being a thing of the past.

And for those of us who own our own companies, it is the stress of clients not paying and trying to maintain a good relationship with them while trying to apply pressure from the side.  I bet the legal profession is smiling – although I must admit I’m sure it’s a catch 22 scenario and their clients aren’t paying them either.

Regardless of the stress, we need to make sure we don’t lose perspective over what is important in life.  And going home to Swaziland these last few weeks has reminded me of that.

I am guilty of not taking the time to de-stress.  I was just saying to my boyfriend earlier that although we were home for so much time, I didn’t have a single good nights sleep where my mind wasn’t processing work related challenges.

I was thinking how I would know when I am de-stressed – I would be able to read a book!   I can’t remember the last time I read a book.  I have this ever growing pile of books next to my bed for one day when …

I do a fair amount of reading but it is all either work research or social media related so my mind never switches off and allows my imagination to kick in.

There are so many weekends where we have declined invitations to go to the dam, or camping, or outings with friends due to work related challenges.


So I have promised to start getting some perspective back in my life.  Remembering that tomorrow is another day and learning to switch off from work after 5pm and most weekends.

Finding the time to “Smell the Coffee” and taking time to enjoy little distractions that life brings.

And I hope you will all be there to share it with me.

Keeping the lights on


2 thoughts on “Groundhog Day Ramblings

  1. For me, the best way to switch off the stress at night so I can sleep, is to read. Every night when I get into bed and my mind threatens to start racing over everything, I pick up that book next to my bed and bury myself in its fictional world. Even if I only read half a page, it’s enough to send me on a peaceful path to sleep. Good luck with your de-stress plans too!

  2. Yeah, life does seem to be getting more complicated… there being more turmoil in the world when we look around, the lucky ones (like me) counting their blessings.
    Tomorrow is indeed another day Lanthie. Smell that coffee.

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